There are a couple of basic SEO Web Design Tips that an SEO consultant can relay to clients to help them understand the world of quality link building:
There is no “perfect” way to approach quality link building
This seems obvious, but may not be to those who don't know the industry. Explaining to clients that it is not what they link but how – including the use of on-text links on keywords) they link it can go a long way in helping them understand how the quality link building strategy works and how it can benefit their search engine marketing efforts.Different Websites may not use the same quality link building methods
In quality Link Building, one size does not fit all. For example, a financial services website and one that sells board games for children may utilize some of the same quality link building methods such as posting on blogs, but they may also use other completely different avenues to build links. The financial services sector might want to utilize Press releases to help build quality links whereas the board game company might want to focus on Twitter or other social media sites to build quality links to their board games Website.Companies will never understand all of the ins and outs of link building, nor do they need to. It is the job of an experienced Atlanta SEO Company to educate their clients on the basics in order to help them make informed decisions with their quality link building efforts.